Sunday 10 June 2007

London day 5

June 10, 2007

Today Sunday was another free day. It was nice and relaxing being able to be on my own time and not have to worry about packing around in a group. My roommates woke me up at 7:00 because they were all (but one) getting ready to go to church at 9:00. By 8:20 I realized I was not going to be able to go, back to sleep so I decided to get up and go to church with them instead of laying in bed awake for 2 hours just waiting for them to get back. Yes, that is right mom and dad I went to church. It was actually a very nice fast and testimony meeting and it was nice to see that the spirit is great on either side of the world.

After church Mikell and I headed back to the hotel to change and get ready for the day. Most of the group went either out of town to Bath, or to Brighton. We did not want to do either. I just wanted to stay around the city and catch up on some things we did not have time for this past week. So first, we headed back to the V&A. We wanted to go back and sketch from the fashion exhibit, ended up going through interior collections, and today turned into a day of famous chairs. It was very cool because all the displays were of the times that I had learned about last semester in my history of architecture and furnishings. This first chair is a shield back chair designed by Hepplewhite.

Next is the chair designed by Sheraton.

This chair is the famous high back chair done by Makintosh.

Finally, you see me sitting in a famous Eileen Grey chair. This chair was actually at the British Portrait Museum, which I very much enjoyed. I loved walking through the halls of paintings learning of different significant figures and a little about their life.

This was my favorite portrait because of the vibrant colors and beauty of the woman,

Other random fun things of the day were seeing a backgammon board that was done so intricately. Could you imagine playing a game on a board such as this Mom?

Then there was the crown of Queen Victoria. It is made of black diamonds which I thought was very unique yet gorgeous. I decided that if ever some day I do get married I want of ring of black diamonds.

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