Wednesday 27 June 2007

Paris Day 6

June 27, 2007

Today was a long day. We went to Versailles ALL DAY! It was so big with so much to see. This is the chapel that is named God's Chapel because King Louis 14th was tired of having churches named after saints that he thought it should be named after God. What a concept.
I was really glad because the famous hall of mirrors just re-opened on monday after 2 years of renovations. Here are the beautiful pictures.
42 chandeliers.
We saw like 3 of Marie-Antoinette's estates on the property and she had the most beautiful upholstery. Here are some examples. This was my favorite window treatment. White silk!Baba I got you the miniature of this chair from her study. I hope you like it. I was going to get a pair but I got their last one. I will continue to look for something better as well.This is the bed that Napolean slept in when he took over.So our last night and we finally made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower!!!
Gotta get some lovin at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Thanks chance for being the bate. LOL.Here is the great view. We could see everything!!!This is how far I am from home.


Unknown said...

Wow such beautiful views...ur not soooo bad urself...hahaha

Anonymous said...

The chair is beautiful, thanks.